This toolkit was produced by CIVICUS, the global civil society alliance, as part of the Civic Space Initiative (CSI). A partnership between CIVICUS, the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL), ARTICLE 19, and the World Movement for Democracy, The Civic Space Initiative (CSI) is working to protect and expand civic space by fostering an enabling… [Read More]
Women and Gender Resources
A list of free guides, how-to tools and other resources on Women and Gender for NGOs and development professionals.
A Free Handbook on Safe Access to Firewood and alternative Energy (SAFE)
This handbook provides find information about SAFE along 7 phases of the project cycle for design and implementation. This is a comprehensive set of resources and tools meant to provide guidance on fuel-efficient programming for all WFP staff and partners striving – at community, national and international levels – to make safe access to cooking… [Read More]
Energy and Gender for Sustainable Development: Free Toolkit for Practitioners
This toolkit and resource guide has been produced jointly by the Sustainable Energy Programme of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and ENERGIA, the International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy. It is designed to help planners and practitioners integrate gender and energy considerations into development programmes, including those focusing on energy improvements as well… [Read More]
Using Gender Statistics: A Free Toolkit for Training Data Users
This toolkit aims to support statistical systems to increase the understanding and use of gender statistics by government officials and other development practitioners. It has been developed for countries in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia and builds on the work to strengthen gender statistics across this region. This toolkit will support gender focal points… [Read More]
A Free Communication Toolkit on Gender and Climate Change
Climate change is one of the most urgent global challenges. However, the climate scientists are clear, there is still action possible to avoid the worst effects of global warming if they act now. Gender: Five reasons why climate policy needs to change, and how Only when gender is integrated in climate policy, meaning in all… [Read More]
A Free SVRI Forum Toolkit on Being Heard Project
The Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) hosts the leading global event in the world on sexual and intimate partner violence – the SVRI Forum. The SVRI has noted an increase in the number of presentations on sexual violence in childhood since the Forum began in 2009. This increase is reflected in the number of initiatives… [Read More]
A Free Guide for Children and Young Advocates: Child-Led Mobilisation
World Vision is committed to creating spaces and opportunities for children and young people to participate in shaping programmes, practices and policy. This guide supports children and young people in crafting their own voices and spaces as part of the efforts to end violence against children. This guide has been written to support children and… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Health Professional Advocates: Addressing the Health Workforce Crisis
The Health Workforce Advocacy Initiative (HWAI) is the civil-society led advocacy network of the Global Health Workforce Alliance (GHWA). HWAI’s purpose is to advocate for the policies and sustained investments necessary to develop and empower a health workforce capable of delivering on health goals. HWAI operates with the firm conviction that everyone has the right… [Read More]
A Free Disability Inclusive Development Toolkit
Disability inclusion is part of a wider movement for inclusive development that strives for the active participation and representation of all people regardless of age, gender, disability, ethnicity, race, class, religion, sexuality or any other characteristic. Disability-inclusive development is part of this social justice movement that challenges unjust systems and exclusive policies, relations and practice. Disability… [Read More]
A Free Resource Guide on Mainstreaming Gender in Water Management
With this Resource Guide, UNDP, GWA, IRC, Cap-Net and GWP seek to assist water professionals, politicians, gender specialists and others in their efforts to provide improved access to water for poor women, children and men all over the world. This new edition has been greatly expanded and improved. It includes sub-sector overviews, additional resources and… [Read More]
Free Toolkit on Improving the Impact of Preventing Violent Extremism Programming
This toolkit is designed for UNDP practitioners and partners who are working on programmes that are either specifically focused on preventing violent extremism (PVE), or have PVE-relevant elements to them. It draws on best practice for design, monitoring and evaluation in complex, conflict contexts adapting these for PVE programming. The toolkit includes modules, processes and… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit on “Children and Adolescents’ Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights”: User Guide
Protecting Adolescents from Gender Based Violence through the Promotion of their Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights’ is a three-year project launched by Save the Children aimed to raise awareness and enhance protection of children and adolescents (10-17 years old) in the MENA region from gender based violence (early marriage, FGM and sexual abuse) through promoting… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Trainers: HIV/AIDS in the News – Journalists as Catalysts
This toolkit is a collection of participatory exercises for use in sensitization of media persons involved in HIV/AIDS coverage. It can also be integrated with the existing curriculum of schools of journalism and mass communication. The toolkit has been developed keeping in view the needs of journalists working in remote areas having limited access to… [Read More]
A Free Gender Responsive National Communications Toolkit
This toolkit is designed to strengthen the capacity of national government staff and assist them in integrating gender equality into the development of National Communications (NCs). It is recognized that NC reporting processes can be a meaningful entry point for training, awareness-raising and capacity-building efforts. Preparation of reports can also influence other, ongoing climate change… [Read More]
A Free Crimes Against Humanity Treaty Toolkit
A new convention on crimes against humanity (CAH) is in its final draft stages, but most civil society groups including women, LGBTIQ, disability, Indigenous, aboriginal, youth, caste, and racial and ethnic minority rights groups have not weighed in. While the current treaty draft embraces strong language from the Rome Statute (which created the International Criminal… [Read More]
A Free Life Skills Education Toolkit for Orphans & Vulnerable Children in India
This resource ‘Life Skills Education Toolkit for Orphans & Vulnerable Children in India’ is funded by the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief through the U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID). This Life Skills Education (LSE) Toolkit takes a child participatory approach and deals with the “whole child” – feelings, beliefs, development needs –… [Read More]
Free West Africa Drug Policy Training Toolkit
The West Africa drug policy training toolkit has been developed by the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), in collaboration with the Kofi Annan Foundation and the West African Commission on Drugs, with funding from USAID. It aims to build the capacity of civil society organisations in the region and to help them engage with, and… [Read More]
A Free Community Conservation Resilience Initiative Toolkit
A CCRI methodology has been developed, which is a simple guiding framework that can be adapted to the reality of a country/community in order to develop advocacy tools. The aim of the Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI) is to contribute to the implementation of the CBD’s 20112020 Strategic Plan and Aichi Targets by providing policy… [Read More]
A Free Gender Lens Incubation and Acceleration (GLIA) Toolkit
The Gender Lens Incubation and Acceleration Toolkit (GLIA Toolkit) is an instructional guide for incubators, accelerators, and other entrepreneurial support organizations operating in Southeast Asian countries with the aim of improving the various issues surrounding working women in Southeast Asia. The GLIA Toolkit was developed with the aim of building a gender smart entrepreneurial ecosystem… [Read More]
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