This guide represents core activities along the continuum of care (life-cycle approach) for reproductive health issues, pregnancy, childbirth, maternal and newborn health and child health, which will save lives. WV resources and models, along with interagency protocols and guidelines, are referenced to support the implementation of the key technical actions. The emergency guide aims to… [Read More]
A Free Monitoring the Improvement of Water Security Toolkit
Monitoring the Improvement of Water Security is the sixth in a series of six toolkits from the Sustainable Water Partnership (SWP). The toolkit describes monitoring as a process of continuous assessment. It involves collecting data on the current situation (baseline) and on changes that are brought about through activities, projects and policies, or caused by… [Read More]
A Free Resource Guide on Mainstreaming Gender in Water Management
With this Resource Guide, UNDP, GWA, IRC, Cap-Net and GWP seek to assist water professionals, politicians, gender specialists and others in their efforts to provide improved access to water for poor women, children and men all over the world. This new edition has been greatly expanded and improved. It includes sub-sector overviews, additional resources and… [Read More]
A Free Training Guide on ‘Menstrual Hygiene Matters’
This ‘Menstrual hygiene matters’ training guide was produced by WaterAid and jointly funded by the Sanitation and Hygiene Applied Research for Equity (SHARE). ‘Menstrual hygiene matters’ is an essential resource for improving menstrual hygiene for women and girls in lower and middle-income countries. To manage menstruation hygienically and with dignity, it is essential that women… [Read More]
A Free Guide for Planners and Decision Makers: Female-friendly Public and Community Toilets
The ‘Female-friendly guide’ is designed primarily for use by local authorities in towns and cities who are in charge of public and community toilets. It’s also useful for national governments, public and private service providers, NGOs, donors and civil society organisations who play a role in delivering these services. The guide explains why toilets must… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit on Equality, Non-Discrimination and Inclusion
WaterAid’s Equality, non-discrimination and inclusion toolkit gives practical guidance and support on reducing inequalities in programme and advocacy work. It introduces the most important equality, non-discrimination and inclusion principles, and includes practical activities, tools and checklists for applicants to apply to their work with partners and communities. WaterAid is determined to make clean water, decent… [Read More]
A Free Water Security Toolkit
This toolkit is based on field experiences emerging from integrated WASH-water resource management programmes implemented over the past six years in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. This toolkit provides a series of practical tools and resources that support WASH practitioners to incorporate activities that strengthen water security into WASH programming. Specifically it provides resources to… [Read More]
Free Asia Foundation’s Beyond the Toolkit: Supporting Peace Processes in Asia
In recent years there have been growing calls for new approaches to supporting peace in post-conflict contexts, as current peacebuilding models do not accurately reflect what we know about the nature of conflict, how it ends, and how peace processes are sustained and peace consolidated. To address these issues, The Asia Foundation has launched Beyond… [Read More]
A Free Guide to Climate Change Adaptation in Cities
Cities—especially in developing countries—are on the front lines of climate change impacts. These impacts range from an increase in extreme weather events and flooding to increased air temperatures and public health concerns. Climate change affects both human well-being and the economy, posing threats to the livelihoods and assets of people living in cities. Most vulnerable… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit on Approaches to Private Participation in Water Services
This Toolkit was funded by the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility, the World Bank, and the Bank-Netherlands Water Partnership. This Toolkit aims to help developing country governments, interested in using private firms to help expand access to safe water and sanitation services at reasonable cost. Specifically, it aims to help them, and their advisers design arrangements… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for the Preparation of a Drinking Water Security Plan
This toolkit for the preparation of a drinking water security plan provides a model for taking a Gram Panchayat and Support Organization through an action planning process. The toolkit includes a basic action planning format. It is a step-by-step process, covering practical guidelines and a water security plan template. The practical guidelines are designed to… [Read More]
EU Free Guide on Undernutrition and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
These documents call on the EU to do more to fully integrate WASH into all of their development programmes and strategies, including health, gender and nutrition. Food and nutrition security, health and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) are intrinsically related and have to be recognised as preconditions for and outcomes of sustainable development. With 50%… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluating Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage
In order to develop effective mechanisms to encourage and sustain correct use of household water treatment and safe storage (HWTS), there is a need to monitor and evaluate uptake. To date, there has been a lack of harmonized relevant tools and indicators to assist in the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of HWTS programmes. This document… [Read More]
A Free Guide to Water Monitoring Techniques Applicable in the MENA Region
The manual was produced under the WATER POrT component of the WATER SUM project, implemented by the REC with funding from the Government of Sweden. The purpose of the present manual is to provide guidance on the common techniques, methods and standards that are used for sample collection, handling, quality assurance and control, custodianship, and… [Read More]
A Free Good Practice Handbook: Water Scarcity and Drought
In this handbook you will get 30 good practice examples that have been identified within the WATER SUM project. It is a valuable tool for identifying relevant experience in the fields of climate change, drought management, water demand management, and communication and participation. The handbook was prepared for the project “Sustainable Use of Transboundary Water… [Read More]
A Free Good Practice Handbook: Water Demand Management
During the implementation of the WATER POrT component of the WATER SUM project, the beneficiary countries explicitly requested capacity building on water demand management. One of the project tasks was therefore dedicated to this topic and included training events, demonstration case studies, workshops, and the development of good practice case studies in order to share… [Read More]
A Free Menstrual Hygiene Management Toolkit
This toolkit was designed to help teachers, school health and nutrition coordinators, and other school personnel in Zambia carry out such programs or activities in their schools. Menstrual hygiene management is an important component of a water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) program for schools. The Schools Promoting Learning Achievement through Sanitation and Hygiene (SPLASH) project,… [Read More]
EU Free Guide on Achieving Improved Health for all through Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
This free guide of EU is focused on to achieve improved health for all through water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). The EU is rightly held as one of the world’s leaders on international development. The EU and its 28 member states make up the world’s largest aid donor, contributing more than 50% of the world’s… [Read More]
Free EU Toolkit on Gender Equality and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene(WASH)
This document call on the EU to do more to fully integrate WASH into gender development programmes and strategies. A new era has begun for sustainable development. It follows the adoption of a series of landmark international agreements including the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on… [Read More]
Free Guidelines on Embedding and Integrating a Human Rights-based Approach
This document sets out WaterAid’s understanding of an HRBA to water and sanitation, and its relevance to the realisation of the organisation’s vision of ‘everyone,everywhere by 2030’. WaterAid believes that extreme poverty cannot be eradicated without universal access to safe WASH. WaterAid also recognises that achieving universal access to these basic services depends on identifying… [Read More]