This toolkit is primarily intended for use by Handicap International staff and key partners. Any dissemination beyond its original objective should take place in consultation with Handicap International Sri Lanka. Objectives Raising awareness of protection framework and basic principles; Increasing understanding of particular protection risks faced by Persons with Disabilities; Providing guidance on identification, assessment,… [Read More]
A Free New Toolkit to Boost Capacity Building
UN Climate Change has launched a new toolkit designed to help countries implement policies and measures that increase resilience to climate impacts and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This toolkit was developed to serve as a resource for developing country officials and their implementing partners in the assessment of relevant capacity needs, and in the determination… [Read More]
Free Toolkit for Asian Women, Domestic Violence and Mental Health Professionals
This toolkit, ‘Asian Women, Domestic Violence and Mental Health’ is an invaluable resource which will assist health practitioners to recognise the links between Asian women presenting with mental health issues and their experiences of domestic violence, and thus be able to respond more appropriately. As part of this initiative, this toolkit was developed to disseminate… [Read More]
A Free Save the Children Gender Equality Program Guidance & Toolkit: Engendering Transformational Change
Core funding for the Gender Toolkit was provided by the Nike Foundation, through the Save the Children US GIRL Project. The development of the Toolkit was a collaborative effort guided by Save the Children’s Gender Equality Working Group (GEWG) and drawing on contributions from across the global movement. The GEWG comprises staff from Save the… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Mainstreaming Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition
The Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition Initiative shares a new open-access guide that collects lessons learned from four partner countries to help others harness agricultural biodiversity to transform the food system for development, food security and nutrition. Throughout its six years of experience in Brazil, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Turkey, the Biodiversity for Food and… [Read More]
Free Toolkit for Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
The coastal and marine environment plays a vital role in supporting human welfare by virtue of its immense biological and mineral resources and the life-supporting systems it provides. Production operations and economic installations along the coast, such as marine fishing, aquaculture, agriculture, oil and gas exploration, ports and harbours, and tourism, contribute significantly to the… [Read More]
Managing Marine and Coastal Protected Areas: A Free Toolkit for South Asia
Marine and Coastal Protected Areas (MCPAs), in their variety of forms and scales, are seen as one of the solutions to threats facing the coastal and marine environment, while contributing to the long-term sustainable livelihoods of coastal communities, their cultures and their economies. The South Asia Toolkit has been designed to support MCPA managers in… [Read More]