In recent years there have been growing calls for new approaches to supporting peace in post-conflict contexts, as current peacebuilding models do not accurately reflect what we know about the nature of conflict, how it ends, and how peace processes are sustained and peace consolidated. To address these issues, The Asia Foundation has launched Beyond… [Read More]
A Free Livelihood Assessment Tool-kit: Analysing and Responding to the Impact of Disasters on the Livelihoods of People
This tool-kit has been formulated as a joint effort between FAO and the International Labour Organization (ILO). As currently designed, the LAT is aimed collecting information – at community level and the existing livelihood groups – on people’s ability to make a living before and after sudden onset natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and… [Read More]
A Free Plant Back Better Toolkit
The Toolkit aims to promote the climate adaptation counter-measures for food security, the Plant Back Better (PBB) initiative was put forward. The initiative is accompanied by call for actions on mitigating vulnerability and enhancing self-sufficiency on disaster-resilient vegetables and flowers plantation to ensure long-term sustainability. The Plant Back Better project mainly focused on promoting capacity… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Climate-Resilient Water Utility Operations
The Toolkit for Climate-Resilient Water Utility Operations provides methodologies for a water utility to develop three documents that are essential to improve its climate resilience: a vulnerability assessment, a climate-resilient business plan, and an emergency response plan. The toolkit was written primarily for medium to large water utilities in the Philippines (locally called water districts),… [Read More]
A Free Nutrition-WASH Toolkit: Guide for Practical Joint Actions
The recent and increasing body of evidence indicates a strong relationship between poor WASH and stunting, and stresses the need for joint Nutrition and WASH interventions for improving nutrition outcomes. Responding to growing demand for practical guidance on joint Nutrition – WASH programming and actions, this EAPRO led WASH-Nutrition Toolkit is the first of such… [Read More]
A Free Human Rights Toolkit for Water and Sanitation Advocates
The End Water Poverty and UNISON, the UK’s largest union, published the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation Advocacy Toolkit for civil society, trade unionists and activists. This toolkit equips advocates with tactics and strategies to hold governments accountable for guaranteeing people’s access to water and sanitation. It starts by guiding readers through the international… [Read More]
A Free Dialogical Guide to Peace-Building
This interfaith dialogue guide blends Scripture (Islamic and Christian) with family systems theory to offer specific guidelines, techniques and practices that can help bridge religious, ethnic and other kinds of identity divides. It was designed to help facilitators bring together Christians and Muslims in workshops, dialogues, mediations, meetings, interventions or mentoring groups. Although designed for… [Read More]
A Free 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Toolkit
This year marks the 25th year of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign, initiated in 1991 and coordinated by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership. This years theme of the 16 Days Campaign is “From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World: Make Education Safe for All”, in recognition of… [Read More]