Poverty alleviation is a crucial component to achieving Save the Children’s global strategy of child survival, learning, and protection from violence. While many studies suggest that economic strengthening programmes can lead to many benefits to children of beneficiaries, other studies show that programmes may have an insignificant, inconclusive, or even harmful effect on children. In… [Read More]
Free Asia Foundation’s Beyond the Toolkit: Supporting Peace Processes in Asia
In recent years there have been growing calls for new approaches to supporting peace in post-conflict contexts, as current peacebuilding models do not accurately reflect what we know about the nature of conflict, how it ends, and how peace processes are sustained and peace consolidated. To address these issues, The Asia Foundation has launched Beyond… [Read More]
A Free Women and Peace Facilitator’s Handbook
This handbook is designed for women peace activists and women leaders. Its purpose is to empower women leaders and women peace activists by giving them the necessary tools that will not only promote and increase their effective participation in the peace processes, but equip them with the information and techniques to train other women peace… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Civil Society Organizations in Myanmar: Advocate Together
This toolkit is designed to offer a comprehensive set of advocacy strategies and tools for advocates in Myanmar. Advocates can be individuals, communities, civil society organizations, or any other institution advocating for democratic and participatory development in Myanmar. The toolkit is aimed to serve above all local and regional civil society organizations based in Myanmar’s… [Read More]
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