Social Networking: A Guide to Strengthening Civil Society through Social Media (#SMGuide4CSO) offers a high level overview of best practices used in social media for advocacy. Realizing the ever-changing landscape of social media, we have tried to avoid focusing on details associated with individual social platforms, as there are many and keeping track of them… [Read More]
Media Resources
A list of free guides, how-to tools and other resources on Media and Development for NGOs and development professionals.
A Free Toolkit for Infant and Young Child Feeding Counseling Services: A Social Franchise Model
Alive & Thrive is an initiative to improve infant and young child feeding practices by increasing rates of exclusive breastfeeding and improving complementary feeding practices. This toolkit includes a brief description of resources in various formats on the Mat Troi Be Tho (MTBT) social franchise model; manuals and guidelines for the design, implementation, promotion, supervision,… [Read More]
A Free Inclusive Digital Advocacy Toolkit
The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) launched the Inclusive Digital Advocacy Toolkit, a new resource to support civil society organizations (CSOs), organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs), and diverse advocates to use social media and technology in advocacy activities. The Inclusive Digital Advocacy Toolkit was authored by IFES Senior Inclusion Specialist Rebecca Aaberg and… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit on Gender-Responsive Non-Custodial Measures
The Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ) and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) have just launched the Toolkit on Gender Responsive Non-Custodial Measures with an aimed at providing guidance to judges and prosecutors as well as other professionals working with women in the criminal justice system, such as defence lawyers, probation officers, health… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit on Gender-Sensitive Communication
This toolkit is one of a series of documents produced by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) to raise awareness about gender sensitive language. This toolkit provides guidelines for the use of gender-sensitive language in writing. Although it provides tips and examples for the English language, the underlying principles for gender-sensitive writing are universal… [Read More]
A Free Advocacy Toolkit
The Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness1 is a global process set up by and for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) worldwide, to create a shared framework of principles that defines effective CSO development practice and elaborates the minimum standards for an enabling environment for CSOs, while at the same time promoting civil society’s essential role… [Read More]
Download A Free Toolkit on Sport for Good Environmental Action
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A Free Youth Advocacy Toolkit for every Child in Danger
Advocacy is all about having your voice heard and changing the world. Youth-led advocacy is about supporting children and young people to speak up and helping them actively take part in the decisions that affect their lives. This toolkit will give you the skills and information you need to stand up for what is important… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit to Support Youth at Risk in Middle Income Countries
The World Bank has produced this “Supporting Youth at Risk: A Policy Toolkit for Middle Income Countries” in response to a growing demand from the government clients and partners for advice on how to create and implement effective policies for at-risk youth. Areas The following five key risk areas for young people around the world:… [Read More]
A Free ASEAN Handbook for Women’s Rights Activists
To facilitate a genuinely ‘people-centred’ ASEAN, it is imperative that civil society understand ASEAN and its vast work. This requires civil society groups to be more knowledgeable about ASEAN and to have the capacity and resources to engage with and influence ASEAN and its various bodies. Similarly, it is critical that women’s voices from ASEAN… [Read More]
A Free Gender Equality in Labour Migration Law, Policy and Management (GEM) Toolkit
The Gender equality in labour migration laws, policy and management GEM Toolkits is a set of nine practical tools, developed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to facilitate the implementation of gender mainstreaming strategies in labour migration and related employment, social protection, and equality laws, policies, programmes, projects, as well as in day-to-day labour migration… [Read More]
A Free Gender and Media Advocacy Toolkit: “Mission Possible”
This toolkit seeks to de-mystify the media and gender and media advocacy by illustrating through concrete steps, case studies, pointers, tips and information, that we can all take action to change gender representation and portrayal in and through the media. From writing a letter to the editor to planning and implementing a year-long campaign focused… [Read More]
A Free Inclusive Education Toolkit: Armenia
This toolkit guides trainers in training recipients to enhance the quality of disability inclusive education. It can be used by trainers who train parents, professors, school teachers, politicians, disabled people, and other stakeholders about disability inclusive education. Although this content is primarily meant to be used in Armenia, it may be feasible to adapt some… [Read More]
Download a Free Toolkit on Clean Household Energy Solutions
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A Free Handbook on Integration for Policy-Makers and Practitioners
The Handbook on Integration contains ‘lessons learned’ and good practices drawn from the experience of policy-makers and practitioners across Europe. By collecting and presenting concrete examples from different areas of immigrant integration, the Handbook feeds into a larger policy process in the field of integration in the European Union (EU), notably the development of the… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Reporting on Human Rights Issues: Speak Up, Speak Out
The Internews toolkit ‘Speak Up, Speak Out: A Toolkit for Reporting on Human Rights Issues’ is both a human rights reference guide and a workbook for journalists and civic activists who want to improve their ability to report on human rights issues in a fair, accurate, and sensitive way. It combines background information on international… [Read More]
A Free Communications Handbook for Clinical Trials: Strategies, Tips, and Tools to Manage Controversy, Convey Your Message, and Disseminate Results
This handbook is designed to serve the needs of anyone who conducts, plans, or implements clinical trials—especially trials that evaluate new drugs or interventions in a community setting. The main chapters of the handbook are organized chronologically, following the progression of a study from planning and budgeting for communications to working with the media to… [Read More]
A Free Climate Asia’s Communication Toolkit
Climate Asia with an aims to enable anyone, from governments and donors to the media and NGOs, to use what they have learned to develop their own communication to meet the public’s needs. The research was conducted in 2012 in Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan and Vietnam. BBC Media Action researchers traveled the length… [Read More]
Download Free Practitioner’s Toolkit on Women’s Access to Justice
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A Free Communications Handbook: Developing Good Practice for Women’s Rights Organisations
This “Communications Handbook” is part of a series of “Good Practice Guidelines” designed to support the capacity of women’s rights organisations, in particular, grantees of AWDF. This handbook aims to be a useful reference guide for women’s rights organisations in Africa and will explore several forms of new media communications as well as the more… [Read More]