This toolkit was produced by CIVICUS, the global civil society alliance, as part of the Civic Space Initiative (CSI). A partnership between CIVICUS, the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL), ARTICLE 19, and the World Movement for Democracy, The Civic Space Initiative (CSI) is working to protect and expand civic space by fostering an enabling… [Read More]
Media Resources
A list of free guides, how-to tools and other resources on Media and Development for NGOs and development professionals.
A Free Guide for Children and Young Advocates: Child-Led Mobilisation
World Vision is committed to creating spaces and opportunities for children and young people to participate in shaping programmes, practices and policy. This guide supports children and young people in crafting their own voices and spaces as part of the efforts to end violence against children. This guide has been written to support children and… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Trainers: HIV/AIDS in the News – Journalists as Catalysts
This toolkit is a collection of participatory exercises for use in sensitization of media persons involved in HIV/AIDS coverage. It can also be integrated with the existing curriculum of schools of journalism and mass communication. The toolkit has been developed keeping in view the needs of journalists working in remote areas having limited access to… [Read More]
Free Advocacy Toolkit: Advocating for the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics
PARIS21 has produced a Country-level Advocacy Toolkit, which aims to help national statistical system managers and statisticians in developing countries with their own advocacy work and to demonstrate the advantages of planning advocacy systematically. It gathers, in a single package, advocacy methodology, tools, tips and messages. The Toolkit deals with statistical advocacy at the country… [Read More]
Free Asia Foundation’s Beyond the Toolkit: Supporting Peace Processes in Asia
In recent years there have been growing calls for new approaches to supporting peace in post-conflict contexts, as current peacebuilding models do not accurately reflect what we know about the nature of conflict, how it ends, and how peace processes are sustained and peace consolidated. To address these issues, The Asia Foundation has launched Beyond… [Read More]
Free COMED Toolkit on Communication for Education and Development
The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) is a forum for policy dialogue which aims at bringing African Ministers of Education and their development partners from cooperating agencies to acquire a shared understanding of the stakes and challenges of education in Africa, which would lead to a concerted vision on the policies… [Read More]
A Free Handbook to Strengthen Planning and Budgeting Processes: Mainstreaming Environment and Climate for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development
This Handbook is designed as guidance for policymakers and practitioners to mainstream pro-poor environment and climate concerns into planning, budgeting and monitoring. Mainstreaming is achieved by putting poverty-environment issues at the heart of government—in other words, by taking these issues into mainstream economic decision-making processes, particularly the national and subnational planning and budgeting processes led… [Read More]
A Free Guide to the Implementation of the World Programme of Action for Youth
The World Programme of Action for Youth encourages governments to be more responsive to the aspirations and needs of youth to usher in a better world. Young people in all countries are both a major human resource for development and key agents for social change, economic development and technological innovation. Recognizing and addressing the special… [Read More]
A Free Advocacy Toolkit on Tobacco Control and the SDGs
Tobacco control is included in the new, global development goals. But that won’t automatically produce more effective tobacco control at country level: for that to happen will require a huge effort from all advocates. This toolkit is designed to help. The World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is included in the Sustainable… [Read More]
Download A Free Adolescent Girls Toolkit in Iraq
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A Free Toolkit for Policymakers: Mainstreaming Emergency Contraception in Developing Countries
This toolkit on mainstreaming emergency contraception in developing countries has been developed in response to one of the objectives of the 2006 initiative that sought to generate lessons that could serve as a model for other countries interested in improving access to EC, and to generate in-depth knowledge on EC program strategies and utilization characteristics… [Read More]
A Free Handbook on Combating Corruption
This handbook provides the 57 OSCE participating States and 11 Partners for Co-operation with a reference guide on available legal tools, the latest legislative and policy trends, and pertinent measures and practices to prevent and suppress corruption. It is aimed at raising awareness of the range of international instruments available to national policymakers and anti-corruption… [Read More]
Free National Action Plans Toolkit on Business and Human Rights
The overall goal of this Toolkit is to promote implementation of the UNGPs and other relevant business and human rights frameworks by states and businesses. The 2017 edition has been updated to reflect feedback from practitioners who have used the Toolkit to develop NAPs. Specifically, the Toolkit provides step-by-step guidance on how to develop a… [Read More]
A Free User Guide for Civil Society in the Eastern Europe and Caucasus Region
The User Guide was developed under the EU project “Environmental Information, Education and Public Awareness in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus Region” in order to improve the quality of environmental protection and environmental decisions by incorporating public interests. The project was implemented in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The project provided assistance to… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit on How to Design Projects to End Violence Against Women and Girls
This Toolkit brings together information, resources and practical activities to help Pacific Islanders apply a gendered analysis to the issue of violence against women and to design and implement effective and sustainable projects. It can be used for new projects or to integrate a gender analysis and human rights based approach to existing projects aiming… [Read More]
Free Child Rights Education Toolkit: Rooting Child Rights in Early Childhood Education, Primary and Secondary Schools
UNICEF has developed a child rights’ education toolkit on Rooting Child Rights in Early Childhood Education, Primary and Secondary Schools. This Toolkit focuses on child rights education in the formal learning environment (early childhood education settings, primary and secondary schools), it is hoped that it will also be useful for those working to promote child… [Read More]
A Free Food Security Communications Toolkit
This toolkit was prepared as part of the EC-FAO Programme on “Linking Information and Decision Making to Improve Food Security” which is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Food security professionals increasing realize that they must use communications strategically for their work to have… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit on “How to Program Digital Tools into Agriculture Programs”
Digital technology has enormous potential to improve food security in Feed the Future countries and around the world. The purpose of this toolkit is to demonstrate the importance of digital tools in agriculture. It will give a brief overview of the digital tools that are currently being used in the field by U.S. Agency for… [Read More]
Free Toolkit on “How to Change Norms in Support of Women’s Economic Empowerment”
This toolkit provides guidance to actors interested in taking actions on changing norms to improve women’s access to decent work and to realize their economic rights. Transforming social and economic norms, though challenging, is possible and effective, with women’s grassroots organizations playing a central role in identifying context-relevant strategies and solutions. Norms can change through… [Read More]
A Free Publications on Human Trafficking Toolkit for Journalists
Human Trafficking Toolkit for Journalists launched by UNODC Office for the Gulf Cooperation Council Region (OGCCR) to empower the media to tell the story of modern-day slavery. The toolkit focuses on the Arab region, a region where challenges related to data availability, as well as the complicated nature of migration flows and labour markets, renders… [Read More]