This publication was produced under the ”Consolidating Civil Society’s Role in the Transition from African Human Rights Standards to Practice project”, funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the International Commission of Jurists – European Institutions (ICJ-EI), the African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies (ACDHRS), the ICJ Kenya Section and the… [Read More]
Free Downloadable Toolkits, Training Manuals and Guides for NGOs and Development Professionals in Kenya
This is a list of free downloadable toolkits, training manuals and guides for NGOs and development professionals in Kenya.
A Free Toolkit for Child Sensitivity in Poverty Alleviation Programming
Poverty alleviation is a crucial component to achieving Save the Children’s global strategy of child survival, learning, and protection from violence. While many studies suggest that economic strengthening programmes can lead to many benefits to children of beneficiaries, other studies show that programmes may have an insignificant, inconclusive, or even harmful effect on children. In… [Read More]
Free COMED Toolkit on Communication for Education and Development
The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) is a forum for policy dialogue which aims at bringing African Ministers of Education and their development partners from cooperating agencies to acquire a shared understanding of the stakes and challenges of education in Africa, which would lead to a concerted vision on the policies… [Read More]
A Free HIV Point-of-Care Diagnostics Toolkit
An extension of Key Considerations for Introducing New HIV Point of Care Diagnostic Technologies in National Health Systems, this Toolkit contains various practical tools and guidance to support countries as they introduce point-of-care (POC) HIV technologies into existing national diagnostic networks and laboratory systems. It provides a roadmap for countries as they seek to expand… [Read More]
A Free Resource Guide on Action for HIV and health programming with and for MSM
This resource guide aims to provide a quick reference on a wide range of topics relevant to rights based, effective, sustainable and integrated community-led and public health responses to men who have sex with men (MSM). It offers guidance: on resources useful for reviewing and updating locally developed tools and resources for/ on MSM, or… [Read More]
A Free Publications on Improve Agricultural Crop Production Forecast Statistics in Sub-saharan African Countries
Agriculture is an important economic driver for sustainable development in Africa and employs between 60 and 80 percent of the country’s rural population. The sector also contributes to food security, foreign exchange earnings and provides raw materials for agro-based industries in the region. For instance, it accounts for about 30.2 percent of the gross domestic… [Read More]
Free mHealth Design Toolkit: Ten Principles to Launch, Develop and Scale Mobile Health Services
This mHealth Design Toolkit is a collection of insights, tools and key principles to increase adoption and customer uptake of mobile health services by involving end-users in the service development process. mHealth services have faced challenges in attaining scale and adoption. In many cases, these challenges can be overcome by adopting a user-centric design approach…. [Read More]
A Free Guide for Strong Girls Make Strong Women
Strong Girls Make Strong Women: A Practical Handbook to Creating and Leading a Girls’ Club was developed in partnership with WomenStrong founding members in Ghana, Kenya, India, and Haiti, based on their experiences running Girls’ Clubs for over 10,000 girls and boys. The Handbook incorporates best practices promoted by renowned youth development and life skills… [Read More]
A Free Handbook for Women Candidates: Running for Political Office
This handbook is for any woman who wants to run for a parliamentary or civic seat. It can also be used by friends who want to help a candidate in her election bid as managers or members of various committees. Parliamentary and council campaigns differ in some respects, but all election campaigns thrive on organisation… [Read More]
Free Toolkit for the Economic Analysis of Invasive Species
The toolkit has been produced under the auspices of the Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP). GISP was founded in 1997 as a small, mainly voluntary partnership programme, by three international organizations: The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), CAB International (CABI), and the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE). In early… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Reporting on Human Rights Issues: Speak Up, Speak Out
The Internews toolkit ‘Speak Up, Speak Out: A Toolkit for Reporting on Human Rights Issues’ is both a human rights reference guide and a workbook for journalists and civic activists who want to improve their ability to report on human rights issues in a fair, accurate, and sensitive way. It combines background information on international… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Mainstreaming Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition
The Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition Initiative shares a new open-access guide that collects lessons learned from four partner countries to help others harness agricultural biodiversity to transform the food system for development, food security and nutrition. Throughout its six years of experience in Brazil, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Turkey, the Biodiversity for Food and… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Civil Society: Advocacy in Restricted Spaces
The Advocacy in Restricted Spaces toolkit is a practical resource that emphasizes that advocacy is possible even in highly restrictive contexts. Created by the Lifeline Embattled CSO Assistance Fund, a consortium led by Freedom House, the Advocacy in Restricted Spaces toolkit is intended for use by grassroots, national, and regional civil society organizations that want… [Read More]
A Free Community-Based Practitioner’s Guide: Documenting Citizenship and Other Forms of Legal Identity
This guide was developed in Response to the Growing Recognition of the opportunity for community-based justice actors to assist individuals and communities suffering from a lack of documentation of citizenship or other forms of proof of legal identity. This guide is the result of a series of consultations, discussions on addressing statelessness, and lack of… [Read More]
A Free Gender Analysis Toolkit for Key Population HIV Prevention, Care, and Treatment Programs
This toolkit outlines key considerations and steps for conducting a gender analysis, explains how to engage with stakeholders, provides tools and resources, and gives examples of gender analyses conducted in Kenya and Cameroon. The toolkit contains all the information needed to conduct a comprehensive gender analysis. However, in recognition that programs may want to conduct… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Reflective Practice in Supporting Community-led Child Protection Processes
This Toolkit was developed by the Child Resilience Alliance (CRA), formerly known as the Columbia Group for Children in Adversity, with Mike Wessells serving as the lead author and coordinator. The Toolkit and its companion Guide were developed for the Interagency Learning Initiative on Community-Based Child Protection Mechanisms and Child Protection Systems. The Columbia Group… [Read More]
A Free Dialogical Guide to Peace-Building
This interfaith dialogue guide blends Scripture (Islamic and Christian) with family systems theory to offer specific guidelines, techniques and practices that can help bridge religious, ethnic and other kinds of identity divides. It was designed to help facilitators bring together Christians and Muslims in workshops, dialogues, mediations, meetings, interventions or mentoring groups. Although designed for… [Read More]
A Free 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Toolkit
This year marks the 25th year of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign, initiated in 1991 and coordinated by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership. This years theme of the 16 Days Campaign is “From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World: Make Education Safe for All”, in recognition of… [Read More]
A Free Guide on Advancing the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women who use Drugs
This guide is aimed at those who work with and advocate for women who use drugs in all their diversity. It equips them with practical, evidence-based interventions which will help advance the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of women who use drugs. It is based on the experiences of Frontline AIDS partners and… [Read More]
Top 35+ Free Downloadable Handbooks and Toolkits for African NGOs and CSOs
Here is a compilation of 35+ toolkits, designed for the the quick reference of the NGOs and CSOs on various pressing issues affecting the African continent. These toolkits have been made available by various international organizations and programs implemented across the world. A Free Private Health Policy Toolkit for Africa “Private Health Policy Toolkit for… [Read More]