UNICEF and the non-governmental organization Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers have developed this Guide to the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict as a contribution to the campaign to prevent and end the use of child soldiers. It is hoped that this publication will be useful for mobilizing… [Read More]
Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Resources
A list of free guides, how-to tools and other resources on Humanitarian and Disaster Relief for NGOs and development professionals.
A Free Guide on Disability-inclusive Child Safeguarding
The guidelines have been developed to respond to an existing gap in child safeguarding practices, which often fail to recognize the specific requirements and adaptations needed to ensure the safety of children with disabilities. The guidelines build on consultations with children and youth with disabilities as well as experience from over 20 organisations. They serve… [Read More]
USAID’s Free Toolkit on Youth and Conflict
This toolkit is part of a series that explores how development assistance can address key risk factors associated with conflict. One area that is receiving increasing attention is the relationship between young people and violence. Recent studies have found a significant correlation between large youth cohorts and political instability and violence. A large pool of… [Read More]
A Free Nutrition Cluster Advocacy Toolkit
The Nutrition Cluster was established in 2006 as part of the Humanitarian Reform process. It is a partnership that aims to safeguard and improve the nutritional status of emergency affected populations by ensuring an appropriate Nutrition in Emergency (NiE) response at country level that is predictable, timely, effective, and at scale. Within the context of… [Read More]
A Free Handbook for Coordinating Gender-based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Settings
This Handbook has been produced by the global Gender-based Violence (GBV) Area of Responsibility Working Group as a quick reference tool for all individuals and agencies involved in GBV programming and coordination in humanitarian/ emergency settings. The handbook contains practical guidance on leadership roles, key responsibilities and specific actions to be taken when establishing and… [Read More]
A Free Coordination Handbook: Child Protection in Emergencies
The purpose of this Handbook is to provide actors with guidance on how to coordinate child protection responses in humanitarian contexts in order to ensure more predictable, accountable and effective child protection responses in emergencies around the world. This Handbook is designed for situations where the international community is formally engaged with the humanitarian response… [Read More]
A Free Disability-inclusive Child Safeguarding Toolkit
This toolkit provides helpful solutions for organisations and practitioners working across development and humanitarian sectors on how to plan for disability-inclusive child safeguarding programmes. Each tool provided shows how to include children with disabilities within programmes, this is important as it is essential they identify, monitor, and build into the programme design risks that children… [Read More]
A Free International Law Handbook: Protecting Education in Insecurity and Armed Conflict
This comprehensive handbook focuses on education-related violations in situations of insecurity and armed conflict. It explores the international legal protection afforded to both the right to education as a human right and education more generally under international human rights law, international humanitarian law and international criminal law. With this in mind, this Handbook aims to… [Read More]
A Free Advocacy Toolkit: Influencing Decisions that Improve Children’s Lives
The Advocacy Toolkit is applicable for all levels of the organization as a resource for building a structured approach for sustained advocacy. The tools are particularly relevant for UNICEF country offices and national committees, but its content will also be valuable to anyone who wants to expand their understanding of the human rights-based approach to… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Advancing Women’s and Girls’ Empowerment in Humanitarian Settings
Women and Girls Safe Spaces: A Toolkit for Advancing Women’s and Girls’ Empowerment in Humanitarian Settings was co-created by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and International Medical Corps (IMC) and the creative energy of co-authors Melanie Megevand (IRC) and Laura Marchesini (IMC). The development of this global toolkit would not be possible without the collaborative… [Read More]
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A Free INSPIRE Handbook: Action for Implementing the Seven Strategies for Ending Violence Against Children
The INSPIRE handbook: action for implementing the seven strategies for ending violence against children explains in detail how to choose and implement interventions that will fit your needs and context. The seven strategy-specific chapters address the Implementation and enforcement of laws; Norms and values; Safe environments; Parent and caregiver support; Income and economic strengthening; Response… [Read More]
A Free Guide Book on Disaster Risk Management Systems Analysis
The Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Systems Analysis Guide provides a set of tools and methods to assess existing structures and capacities of national, district and local institutions with responsibilities for Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in order to improve their effectiveness and the integration of DRM concerns into development planning, with particular reference to disaster-prone areas,… [Read More]
A Free Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit for Humanitarian Settings
This Toolkit is intended to guide humanitarian programme managers and healthcare providers to ensure that sexual and reproductive health interventions put into place both during and after a crisis are responsive to the unique needs of adolescents. It provides user-friendly tools for assessing the impact of a crisis on adolescents, implementing an adolescent-friendly Minimum Initial… [Read More]
A Free Inter-Agency Toolkit: Supporting the Protection Needs of Child Labourers in Emergencies
This toolkit has been developed through strong inter-agency collaboration at the global level in support of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, 2012 (CPMS), Minimum Standard 12 Child Labour. Approaching child labour in humanitarian contexts differs significantly from longer-term child labour programming. As such this toolkit focuses on providing guidance in-line with… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit on Inclusion of Refugees with Disabilities
This toolkit has been developed by the European Disability Forum with the input from its members and e-mail expert group on refugees with disabilities. They would like to thank in particular the National Confederation of Disabled People Greece (ESAEA), European Network of Independent Living (ENIL) and its Swedish member the Independent Living Institute Stockholm, the… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit on Livelihoods and Conflict for Intervention
This toolkit is part of a series that explores how development assistance can address key risk factors associated with conflict. It shows how violent conflict can affect individual and community access to essential resources and how an approach that focuses on strengthening that access can help people survive and recover from conflict. Livelihoods, or individuals’… [Read More]
A Free Practitioner’s Toolkit on Women’s Access to Justice Programming
A practitioner’s toolkit on women’s access to justice programming”, developed jointly by UN Women, UNDP, UNODC, and OHCHR, and launched by Nicole Ameline, a member of the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) during the 62nd session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, demonstrates that these… [Read More]
Protecting Children on the Move: A Free Guide to Programming for Children affected by Migration and Displacement
This programming guide was developed by the Children on the Move Task Group that brings together Save the Children most experienced practitioners across the world within the framework of their Child Protection Global Theme. This programming guide is a tool to help Save the Children’s staff in the many varied and complex situations in which… [Read More]
A Free Handbook on First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis
The First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis Handbook is a two-part publication created for the various actors involved in an emergency. It provides a practical method and a set of ready-to-use tools for securing endangered cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible. The user-friendly workflows help readers to plan and implement coordinated cultural… [Read More]