PARIS21 has produced a Country-level Advocacy Toolkit, which aims to help national statistical system managers and statisticians in developing countries with their own advocacy work and to demonstrate the advantages of planning advocacy systematically. It gathers, in a single package, advocacy methodology, tools, tips and messages. The Toolkit deals with statistical advocacy at the country… [Read More]
Employment, Labor and Livelihood Resources
A list of free guides, how-to tools and other resources on Employment, Labor and Livelihood for NGOs and development professionals.
A Free Guide to International Labour Standards and Rights at Work
This Guide is intended for ILO constituents and other stakeholders concerned with promoting youth employment, and in particular ensuring decent work for young people. This Guide describes international labour standards relevant to young persons. While covering different thematic areas, it focuses on the key provisions of Conventions and Recommendations, in particular those of special relevance… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for the Workplace – HIV/AIDS Behaviour Change Communication
To address the objective of reducing HIV/AIDS risk behaviours among workers, the ILO has collaborated closely with Family Health International to build upon FHI’s expertise and experience to develop a Toolkit on behaviour change communication adapted to the dynamics of the workplace. Behaviour change communication (BCC) is an interactive process that helps to understand the… [Read More]
Free Private Sector Toolkit for Working with Youth
The Private sector toolkit to working with youth is part of a series of technical papers aimed both at strengthening youth participation at all levels through cooperation among various stakeholders, as well as at highlighting the role of youth as agents of development. Building on Youth participation in development, which provides guidance to development agencies… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Gender Equality in Practice
The European social partners, ETUC1, BUSINESS EUROPE, UEAPME and CEEP, are committed to and have a key role to play in enhancing gender equality on the labour market and in the workplace. Equality between women and men is a fundamental principle on which theEuropean Union has been built. Over the years, equal treatment legislation has… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit on Reducing Rural Women’s Domestic Workload through Labour-saving Technologies and Practices
The focus of the toolkit on labour-saving methods to reduce the domestic, rather than the productive, workload is to refocus attention on this relatively hidden but persistent hindrance to IFAD’s drive for rural transformation. Moreover, without redressing the disproportionate burden of domestic work on women, progress towards the global goals to end poverty, hunger, malnutrition,… [Read More]
A Free Train the Trainers Toolkit
The International Labour Organization Convention 190 on violence and harassment in the world of work comes into force on 25 June 2021, global unions launched this toolkit to support the Convention 190 (C190) and its Recommendation 206 (R206). The manual will provide thousands of unions around the world with critical tools for the fight to… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit: Women of Colour in the Workplace
This Toolkit, Women of Colour in the Workplace aims to challenge dominant diversity management practices to move beyond gender as a singular category and shift toward an intersectional approach to diversity management. It calls for an approach to diversity management that interrogates power structures with in organisations and creates new styles of organizational management. The… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit: Community Schools Academy Curriculum
Community Schools Academy Curriculum toolkit is intended to serve as a resource for youth development professionals, youth-serving organizations and educational institutions aiming to develop civic engagement and tolerance in young people. The included materials were developed for the Youth Civic Engagement and Dialogue (YCED) Program, which brought together Roma and non-Roma youth (ages 14-18) in… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit on Approaches to Private Participation in Water Services
This Toolkit was funded by the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility, the World Bank, and the Bank-Netherlands Water Partnership. This Toolkit aims to help developing country governments, interested in using private firms to help expand access to safe water and sanitation services at reasonable cost. Specifically, it aims to help them, and their advisers design arrangements… [Read More]
A Free Human Rights Toolkit For Women and Girls with Disability
Women with Disabilities Australia created this toolkit, Human Rights Toolkit, to support women with disabilities to understand their rights. International human rights law recognizes women and girls with disability as women and girls with rights, able to make decisions about our own lives. The Australian government has agreed to take action to make sure all… [Read More]
Free Toolkit on Poverty Reduction through Tourism
This toolkit aims at assisting developing and least developed countries to create a sustainable tourism industry and businesses based on decent employment. It is oriented towards SMEs and local communities in rural areas and includes case studies, training sessions and best practices. The toolkit outlines the background to poverty reduction approaches, and how the ILO… [Read More]
A free Toolkit for Transforming Food and Agriculture to Achieve the SDGs
Food and agriculture stand today at a crossroads. Looking back, major improvements in agricultural productivity have been recorded over recent decades to satisfy the food demand of a growing global population. But progress has often come with social and environmental costs, including water scarcity, soil degradation, ecosystem stress, biodiversity loss, decreasing fish stocks and forest… [Read More]
Free Guidelines for Integrating HIV and Gender-Related Issues into Environmental Assessment
The Guidelines for Integrating HIV and Gender-Related Issues into Environmental Assessment in Eastern and Southern Africa call for governments to recognize HIV risks, and to take the necessary steps to mitigate these risks in the development of infrastructure and execution of large capital projects. Infrastructure development is an important driver of employment and economic growth… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Mainstreaming Gender in Green Climate Fund Projects
Climate change is not only one of the greatest environmental and development challenges facing the world today, it is one that will have critical impacts on human rights and inequalities, including gender inequality. It is therefore deeply appropriate for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and UN Women to have collaborated in developing Mainstreaming Gender in… [Read More]
A Free NESA Family Violence Toolkit
This kit has been developed as part of the NESA Family Violence Project. The Family Violence Project aims to support employment services staff to respond appropriately to job seekers who are experiencing violence. This project was funded by the Department of Employment and delivered over 2016-17. All tools and resources developed through this project are… [Read More]
Free Toolkit and Guide on Adult Human Trafficking Screening
The Adult Human Trafficking Screening Toolkit (AHTST) is a guide for training public health, behavioral health, health care, and social work professionals who wish to use trauma-informed and survivor-informed practices to assess adult clients and patients for human trafficking victimization or risk of potential trafficking victimization. It is a survivor-centered, trauma-informed, and culturally appropriate intervention… [Read More]
A Free Publications on Human Trafficking Toolkit for Journalists
Human Trafficking Toolkit for Journalists launched by UNODC Office for the Gulf Cooperation Council Region (OGCCR) to empower the media to tell the story of modern-day slavery. The toolkit focuses on the Arab region, a region where challenges related to data availability, as well as the complicated nature of migration flows and labour markets, renders… [Read More]
A Free Practical Guide to Women in Energy Regulation
This guide was made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This guide provides strategies for energy regulators to better integrate women in multiple facets of energy regulation, including employment, energy regulatory policy, and energy infrastructure projects. Through its international work, the National Association of… [Read More]
A Free Livelihood Assessment Tool-kit: Analysing and Responding to the Impact of Disasters on the Livelihoods of People
This tool-kit has been formulated as a joint effort between FAO and the International Labour Organization (ILO). As currently designed, the LAT is aimed collecting information – at community level and the existing livelihood groups – on people’s ability to make a living before and after sudden onset natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and… [Read More]