‘Protecting Adolescents from Gender Based Violence through the Promotion of their Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights’ is a three-year project launched by Save the Children aimed to raise awareness and enhance protection of children and adolescents (10-17 years old) in the MENA region from gender based violence (early marriage, FGM and sexual abuse) through promoting… [Read More]
Education Resources
A list of free guides, how-to tools and other resources on Education for NGOs and development professionals.
A Free Toolkit for Effective Peer Education: Working with Children & Young People on Sexual and Reproductive Health & HIV/AIDS
This toolkit grew out of the recognition that peer education is one of the most popular approaches used by Save the Children UK and its partners working on sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS. However, much of the work has been failing to reach its full potential in changing the sexual behaviours of children and… [Read More]
A Free Operational Guidance and Toolkit for Multipurpose Cash Grants
Comprehensive guide and reference useful for designing and implementing a multipurpose cash grant intervention during an emergency response. The guide provides detailed step-by-step guidance after the onset of an emergency from the initial needs assessment, to how to determine the transfer value, to ensuring programme quality. Education advisors, managers and donors could use this toolkit… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care
The Toolkit for inclusion in Early childhood education and care (ECEC) recalls political commitments made e.g. in the European Pillar of Social Rights, policy recommendations which have been adopted by EU Member States as well as research findings. They all converge towards the need and will to develop more inclusive ECEC systems and settings. To… [Read More]
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A Free Guide for Strong Girls Make Strong Women
Strong Girls Make Strong Women: A Practical Handbook to Creating and Leading a Girls’ Club was developed in partnership with WomenStrong founding members in Ghana, Kenya, India, and Haiti, based on their experiences running Girls’ Clubs for over 10,000 girls and boys. The Handbook incorporates best practices promoted by renowned youth development and life skills… [Read More]
A Free Teaching Integrity to Youth Toolkit
This Special Edition of the Corruption Fighters’ Tool Kit presents a diverse collection of youth education experiences mainly from civil society organizations. Although approaching the topic from different angles, including moral or value education, human rights and civic education, they all have a common goal: strengthening young people’s attitudes and demands for accountability,and ultimately, to… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Integrating Children’s Sexuality and Gender in Programmes dealing with Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights
The objective of this toolkit is to assist civil society organizations to enhance their capacities and efficiency in responding adequately to issues of sexuality, gender and SRHR within the context of HIV, sexual and reproductive health rights and education and services for children. It is designed to assist organizations working in the field of HIV… [Read More]
A Free Training Toolkit for Civil Society Actors and Multidimensional Peace Support Personnel in West Africa
This toolkit on the Responsibility to Protect (RtoP) was designed to introduce the concept to practitioners and policy makers in West Africa, as well as deepen their knowledge of its development and practice. It aims to achieve this through seven targeted training sessions to be delivered over three days using a combined methodology of brainstorming,… [Read More]
A Free Play it Fair! Toolkit
Play It Fair! is an easy to use educational Toolkit developed by Equitas to promote human rights, non-discrimination and peaceful conflict resolution within non-formal education programs for children aged 6-12 years old, such as summer camps or after school activities. What are the values promoted by the Toolkit? The Toolkit helps to reinforce the positive… [Read More]
A Free Joint Education Needs Assessment Toolkit
This Joint Education Needs Assessment Toolkit has been developed by the Global Education Cluster to enable Education Cluster staff and partners in the field to: undertake preparedness planning for emergency assessments collectively design and conduct an education needs assessment (rapid and/or comprehensive) generate reliable, comprehensive and timely information needed to guide effective inter-agency education in… [Read More]
A Free Resource Toolkit on Disparities in Education in South Asia
The Tool Kit is a contribution to UNICEF’s renewed focus on reaching the most disadvantaged children by taking stock of what they already know in education in South Asia from a number of publications produced by UNICEF ROSA, research groups and other organisations over the last few years. This Resource Tool Kit has been developed… [Read More]
A Free Resource Guide for Trade Unions and A Call Against Child Labour and for Education for All
This manual is designed as a resource guide for trade unions. Its purpose is to act as a general introduction to the reality of child labour and to explain why education is such a key strategy in tackling child labour. It provides an overview of the key international standards and the main commitments endorsed by… [Read More]
A Free Youth Participation Best Practices Toolkit: Part II
This is the second part of the Youth Participation Toolkit, coordinated by Save the Children. It contains tools, methods, tips, exercises, and training workshops for improving youth participation. The Education for Youth Empowerment (EYE) program targets a relatively wide age group, 12 – 24 year olds, in various countries. The toolkit is rather generic so… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit on Youth Participation Best Practices – Part I
This is the first part of the Youth Participation Toolkit, coordinated by Save the Children. A central element of Save the Children’s Child Rights Programming guidelines is to ensure the participation of children and young people. Participation enables children and youth to influence the actions and decisions affecting their lives and empowers them to advocate for… [Read More]
A Free ToolKit for Children and Youth on Conflict Management and Peace Building in Every Day Life
This resource kit contains a series of tools for children and young people to use to analyze conflict, manage conflict and build peace. Tools include practical steps to use the tool, visual illustrations and feedback from children and youth. This resource kit builds upon and provides links to other practical resources, including a digital resource-book… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit to Support Youth at Risk in Middle Income Countries
The World Bank has produced this “Supporting Youth at Risk: A Policy Toolkit for Middle Income Countries” in response to a growing demand from the government clients and partners for advice on how to create and implement effective policies for at-risk youth. Areas The following five key risk areas for young people around the world:… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit on Shifting the Paradigm: Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence
The American College Health Association developed this toolkit — Shifting the Paradigm: Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence — to provide facts, ideas, strategies, conversation starters, and resources to everyone on campus who cares about the prevention of sexual violence. While there is a rich volume of tools, knowledge, and resources for intervention after sexual violence,… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Youth on Advocating and Achieving Gender Equality By 2030
This toolkit is about how youth can advocate strategically for gender equality and empowerment of young women. It highlights ways in which youth can influence decision-making at community, local and national levels to achieve gender equality. An important running thread through the toolkit is on engaging young men as gender equality advocates. This toolkit is… [Read More]
A Free Youth Advocacy in Practice Pilot Toolkit for Practitioners
Youth Advocacy in Practice: Pilot Toolkit for Facilitators is a guide to inform practitioners implementing programmes to address FGM and forced marriage with young people from diverse communities in Europe. It provides key principles for effective engagement of young people on advocacy, awareness raising, peer to peer education and mentoring, as well as public action… [Read More]