Poverty alleviation is a crucial component to achieving Save the Children’s global strategy of child survival, learning, and protection from violence. While many studies suggest that economic strengthening programmes can lead to many benefits to children of beneficiaries, other studies show that programmes may have an insignificant, inconclusive, or even harmful effect on children. In… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit to Address Child Labour in the Agricultural Sector in Egypt
This toolkit has been developed by Save the Children and builds on approaches to address child labour developed by Save the Children in Bangladesh. Its development was informed by an initial assessment that examined the nature and extent of child labour in the agricultural sector. The overall objective of this toolkit is to improve conditions… [Read More]
Free Toolkit for Asian Women, Domestic Violence and Mental Health Professionals
This toolkit, ‘Asian Women, Domestic Violence and Mental Health’ is an invaluable resource which will assist health practitioners to recognise the links between Asian women presenting with mental health issues and their experiences of domestic violence, and thus be able to respond more appropriately. As part of this initiative, this toolkit was developed to disseminate… [Read More]
A Free Toolkit for Indicator Development in Justice and Safety
The Program in Criminal Justice Policy and Management (PCJ) at Harvard Kennedy School has designed a Toolkit for Indicator Development in Justice and Safety, which is a self-directed instructional tool to help government agencies and non-government organizations to measure complex operations or persistent problems in the justice sector. This self-directed guide may be used by… [Read More]
A Free Handbook on Child-led Organisation and Advocacy on Child Labour: From Child Labour to Children in Charge
“From child labour to children in charge” is a handbook that provides theoretical and practical knowledge on child-led organisations and advocacy on child labour and is based on five years of field experience in Bangladesh. The document is published by Save the Children Sweden-Denmark in Bangladesh in close collaboration with INCIDIN Bangladesh, SEEP, BITA, Nari… [Read More]
Free Toolkit for Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
The coastal and marine environment plays a vital role in supporting human welfare by virtue of its immense biological and mineral resources and the life-supporting systems it provides. Production operations and economic installations along the coast, such as marine fishing, aquaculture, agriculture, oil and gas exploration, ports and harbours, and tourism, contribute significantly to the… [Read More]
Managing Marine and Coastal Protected Areas: A Free Toolkit for South Asia
Marine and Coastal Protected Areas (MCPAs), in their variety of forms and scales, are seen as one of the solutions to threats facing the coastal and marine environment, while contributing to the long-term sustainable livelihoods of coastal communities, their cultures and their economies. The South Asia Toolkit has been designed to support MCPA managers in… [Read More]
A Free Climate Asia’s Communication Toolkit
Climate Asia with an aims to enable anyone, from governments and donors to the media and NGOs, to use what they have learned to develop their own communication to meet the public’s needs. The research was conducted in 2012 in Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan and Vietnam. BBC Media Action researchers traveled the length… [Read More]
A Free Community-Based Practitioner’s Guide: Documenting Citizenship and Other Forms of Legal Identity
This guide was developed in Response to the Growing Recognition of the opportunity for community-based justice actors to assist individuals and communities suffering from a lack of documentation of citizenship or other forms of proof of legal identity. This guide is the result of a series of consultations, discussions on addressing statelessness, and lack of… [Read More]