The Adult Human Trafficking Screening Toolkit (AHTST) is a guide for training public health, behavioral health, health care, and social work professionals who wish to use trauma-informed and survivor-informed practices to assess adult clients and patients for human trafficking victimization or risk of potential trafficking victimization. It is a survivor-centered, trauma-informed, and culturally appropriate intervention tool.
This Toolkit provides a screening tool to use in identifying adults who you suspect may have experienced sex or labor trafficking. It has been developed based on the latest research and best practices in screening.
This Toolkit also provides ways in which you can use a conversational screening session to effectively identify people who may have been trafficked and those vulnerable to trafficking. To effectively use this tool, professionals in these areas should receive the education and training necessary to consistently recognize signs and symptoms of adults with a history of or vulnerability to trafficking.
It draws from evidence-based practices and lessons learned from available screening tools used by practitioners in the fields of human trafficking, domestic violence, sexual assault, and HIV screening.
It serves to complement the recently published report by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE), the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), and the Urban Institute that focuses on child sex trafficking screening in child welfare and runaway and homeless youth systems.