The Voice Up for Change Toolkit has been designed to equip the young people of the Greater Mekong sub-region (GMS) to raise their voices and advocate for greater protection of the vulnerable and those victimised by human trafficking. The youth advocates will be trained to identify the key problems related to human trafficking that they want government officials to solve and also to develop and implement an advocacy plan.
The Voice Up for Change Toolkit is a companion to the Smart Navigator Toolkit. The Smart Navigator Toolkit contains 31 sessions designed to help youth build knowledge regarding the dangers of trafficking and unsafe migration and to learn the concrete steps they can take to protect themselves. The Voice Up for Change Toolkit is aimed at youth who are involved in Smart Navigator Youth Clubs and have already been trained in the Smart Navigator Toolkit.Those youth are familiar with anti-trafficking efforts and are passionate about making a change, with regard to human trafficking, in their families, schools and communities.
The Vanguard Series is designed to include all of the innovative resources and tools to combat trafficking and unsafe migration developed by the End Trafficking in Persons Programme (ETIP). Both the Voice Up for Change Toolkit and the Smart Navigator Toolkit are included in this series.
Throughout this toolkit the word youth refers to young people as opposed to children. Although World Vision considers anyone under the age of 18 a child, this toolkit uses the terms youth and youth club because it is targeted at youth over 14 years of age and they refer to themselves as youth rather than children.
The term victim is used to describe a person who has been trafficked. There has been a tendency to blame migrants who have been trafficked for what happened to them. The term victim stresses that migrants are not responsible for being trafficked.
While many of the case studies in this toolkit are based on real stories from migrants’ lives, most of them are composites and do not reflect what happened to individual migrants or victims of trafficking. In cases where stories are based on actual migrants’ lives, to protect anonymity and to prevent confusion, the people described within such case studies are referred to by initials.
The toolkit provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a successful campaign against human trafficking and unsafe migration. It gives youth the opportunity to build skills and to deal with the issues that affect them the most. The toolkit is divided into two modules:
- Module 1 – Trafficking in Persons
- Module 2 – Getting Ready for ACTION: Planning Advocacy Campaign