The International Labour Organization Convention 190 on violence and harassment in the world of work comes into force on 25 June 2021, global unions launched this toolkit to support the Convention 190 (C190) and its Recommendation 206 (R206). The manual will provide thousands of unions around the world with critical tools for the fight to eradicate violence and harassment in the world of work.
This toolkit was prepared by Georgia Montague-Nelson and Dave Spooner from the Global Labour Institute, Manchester, UK, commissioned by a coalition of Global Federations with the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) as a resource for the international trade union movement.
A note for educators using this toolkit
The toolkit has been designed to:
- Encourage discussion about violence and harassment and gender-based violence in the world of work
- Raise awareness about the ILO C190, its accompanying Recommendation R206 and its significance for workers particularly women workers
- Encourage unions across the world to campaign for the ratification of C190 and its effective implementation in line with R206
- Encourage unions to use these instruments to integrate C190 into the union bargaining agenda
- Build stronger unions to enable workers to assert our rights to a world of work free from violence and harassment.
How to use this toolkit?
- The toolkit is comprised of the facilitators guide and the activities workbook. It is intended to be a flexible and lively resource. It can be used in its entirety, working through the facilitators guide and the supporting activities workbook.
- Or you can use the different sections of the toolkit to support existing learning programmes, or plan specific programmes depending on local and individual needs.
- The Facilitators Guide contains:
- Briefings on the key issues
- Examples of good practice and language developed by other unions
- Further resources that might be useful for additional information and learning.
- The Activities Workbook contains:
- Facilitators notes, describing objectives, intended outcomes and instructions on how to run the activity
- Participants’ activity sheets
- Further resources that might be useful for the session.