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A Free Toolkit for Water Auditors: Commercial and Institutional Sectors

This toolkit is intended as a guide to those water districts and/or companies, agencies or academic institutions wishing to take first steps to becoming more water efficient and ecologically responsible.

The technical information in this toolkit is standard practice and state of the art at the time of writing. Every user and every location needs to adapt these tools to their own circumstances. Not all the tools may be necessary or available, and some tools may not work well depending on the specific setting, plumbing variables and conditions.

Note: Please note that it does not substitute for expert technical guidance and advice.

This toolkit will:

The Water Audit Toolkit

Who is this Toolkit for?

This toolkit is for implementers. They may include:

How to Use this Toolkit

This toolkit contains information needed in order to conduct a basic commercial water audit.

To help navigate this toolkit, the following icons are used to present key information:

You can download this toolkit for free here.

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