This resource kit contains a series of tools for children and young people to use to analyze conflict, manage conflict and build peace. Tools include practical steps to use the tool, visual illustrations and feedback from children and youth.
This resource kit builds upon and provides links to other practical resources, including a digital resource-book which provides animations and videos of other participatory tools. Those tools can also be used with and by children and youth to analyse conflicts, to develop a vision of peace, and to plan and assess their peace building initiatives.
The tools may be useful to analyse conflict, to plan and implement conflict management and peace building activities, and to develop and strengthen strategic plans for peace building in different settings, such as family and school, and at community, district and national levels.
One such tool is a ‘conflict tree’ that explores the causes, root causes and impact of different forms of conflict or violence. The kit also contains links to existing online tools. This kit will be useful for education programme managers, education advisors, and teachers.