The toolkit is designed to be used by Child Safeguarding Country Leads and Focal Points, deployable Safeguarding/PSEA staff, and humanitarian/operational managers with responsibility for safeguarding.
The toolkit is not designed to be read cover-to-cover, but instead for you and your teams to dip in and out of as needed, with further reading, resources and examples also available.
This toolkit is also relevant for staff and volunteers in fragile states and development contexts.
Save the Children is committed to ensuring that children and adults are safeguarded at every stage of the response cycle, and this means that they must regularly re-evaluate the safeguarding mechanisms both in preparation for an emergency, and in times of emergency, to ensure that safeguarding strategies are effective, timely, trauma-informed and survivor-focused, and – crucially – that all of the interventions are informed by the actual experiences, wishes and needs of children and communities.
Some key areas of this safeguarding work (e.g. Safer Programming, Case Management, Investigations) either already have humanitarian adaptations available, or do not change significantly in emergencies, and so have not been included within this toolkit.
Guidance to help you meet Save the Children’s Priority Safeguarding Actions in emergencies:
- Understanding the context
- Including child safeguarding in the EPP
- Needs assessment and monitoring
- Securing enough staff and resources to safeguard children effectively
- Risk assessing all planned programmes and activity
- Setting up or checking referral pathways
- Setting up or checking feedback & reporting mechanisms
- Training & awareness-raising with staff, partners and volunteers
- A survivor-centred approach
- Community engagement & awareness-raising with children and the community