“Voices against Violence” is a co-educational curriculum developed by the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and UN Women, with inputs from young people. Designed for various age groups ranging from 5 to 25 years, it provides young people with tools and expertise to understand the root causes of violence in their communities, to educate and involve their peers and communities to prevent such violence, and to learn about where to access support if violence is experienced.
This handbook has been written for you, the group leader, to help you deliver a relevant and exciting badge curriculum to contribute towards stopping violence against girls and young women. There are three sections for you to work through:
- SECTION ONE introduces the curriculum.
- SECTION TWO provides you with a preparation checklist that will help you to get ready for delivering the curriculum, including conducting a risk assessment to assess the impact on the community and to deliver the curriculum safely.
- SECTION THREE is full of factsheets, guidance and tools to help you to develop your knowledge and skills to deliver the activities.
Please factor in preparation time to go through and complete these three sections before beginning the curriculum programme with your group.
will help them deliver age-appropriate sessions, as well as age-appropriate non-formal educational activities. The youngest groups may start out with storytelling and games that prompt them to think about gender bias and stereotypes, while older age groups can organize poster competitions, visit and volunteer with local shelters, or develop local community-based campaigns and projects to address specific forms of violence against girls and women.
“Voices against Violence” is a tool for young people around the world. It can be adapted to national contexts, translated into local languages, and rolled out in schools and communities in partnership with youth organizations, UN partners and governments.