This handbook acts as a step-by-step guide for policymakers, responding to the gap between talk and action and giving practical meaning to the concept of Migration and Development. While the handbook does not prescribe a uniform policy or program, it rather provides guidance, ideas and suggestions so countries can tailor-make an approach useful in their own context.
The handbook is primarily concerned with international migration, and with national development processes and instruments in developing countries. This focus means that it does not place much emphasis on internal migration nor on regional development planning. It also does not provide detailed guidance on mainstreaming migration and development concerns into policies of industrialized countries, although it does outline a number of steps industrialized countries can undertake to better integrate migration and development policies. Policy advice on these linked but separate issues are also available from other complementary sources.
The handbook comprises three main parts:
- Migration and development overview – This section gives an overview of how migration and development are linked, the potential benefits of mainstreaming migration into development, and the current state of play as regards the inclusion of migration issues into development planning around the world.
- Processes for mainstreaming migration into development planning – This section describes the institutional structures and policy frameworks that need to be put in place to effectively integrate migration into the development planning cycle. This section will be of use to those interested in embarking on a migration mainstreaming process.
- Compilation of migration and development program experiences – This section provides a compilation of program ideas showing how migration can be used to benefit development in a practical way, through programs, interventions and projects. This section is intended to be a reference section prompting ideas and providing inspiration for action.