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A Free Guide for Developing Countries: Innovation Policy

The presentation of innovation policy in this volume offers a detailed conceptual framework for understanding and learning about technology innovation policies and programs and their implementation in different countries. Inspired by the experience of both developed and developing countries, the book focuses on the latter’s needs and issues. The publication’s main audience is the policy-making community. It includes not only those who are directly involved with technology, industry, science, and education but also those in charge of finance and economics, and indeed the top government leadership, which plays a crucial role in successful innovation policies.

The Purpose of This Book
The volume describes the main elements of policy measures and offers an overarching strategic framework for implementing a pragmatic innovation
policy with a broad, long-term vision. This book argues that innovation policy should be at the core of government action and a focal point for mobilizing a country’s agents of change. It is up to these public and private sector actors, working together, to determine what will best fit their specific context and leverage their country’s innovation potential.

What Is This Book About?
This book is meant to serve as a guide for policy makers, business people, and people at large in low- and medium-income countries, along with others interested in leveraging innovation to improve the performance and social welfare of their country, region, or organizational unit. Its aim is to help successful innovative firms multiply, to increase the number of sectors that perform well, and to facilitate the process of priority setting in policy making. This volume has three main parts:

This volume provides general principles of action, illustrated by many and diverse examples from various policy contexts. It is ultimately the role of policy makers in a given concrete situation, however, to determine how they can leverage the potential of innovation to address their needs.

You can download this Guide for free here.

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