The Toolkit allows practitioners to build evidence-based and child-focused, long-term solutions and advocacy interventions. It provides substantial direction on issues of return and re-integration and outlines options, actions and legal guidance related to local integration and resettlement.
It can help measure child specific gaps in displacement and irregular migration settings, shape policy and decision-making, monitor improvements and increase the accountability of service providers.
The toolkit is intended as an internal, working document that will develop over time to support SC staff in designing and delivering strong, scalable solutions for the most vulnerable children.
A Durable Solution is found when a child’s rights are fully reinstated during &/or after migration or displacement. The importance of the Durable Solutions Agenda has been reaffirmed by the international community and donors in recent years and field offices are increasingly involved in Durable Solutions focused programming, advocacy and policy work. Whilst there are already excellent existing Durable Solutions tools that allow to analyse return and reintegration contexts, there is a lack of child focus within these. MDI has therefore developed the Durable Solutions for Children Toolkit, as an important step in ensuring that children are at the heart of future responses and solutions to displacement.
68 million people were forcibly displaced at the end of 2017, double those displaced in 2005. More than half are children, many of whom are likely to be amongst the poorest and most vulnerable children on the planet. As trends of displacement move ever upwards, it is increasingly essential that identify solutions that ensure the wellbeing and futures of displaced children.
This Toolkit , which is Internal, Aims to: Provide further insight into why the Solutions Agenda is important, its legal foundation, the key concepts, the main actors and the ways in which Save the Children can ensure children are at the centre of the agenda from an advocacy, multi-sectoral programming and knowledge perspective.
The Toolkit is Intended to Support:
- Programmes working in situations with refugee or internally displaced populations (host country);
- Programmes working in return environments (country of origin) with returning refugees (spontaneous or supported), returning internally displaced persons, rejected asylum seekers, deportees or facilitated migrant returns;
- Save the Children Member Organisations working with migrant/ refugee children;
- Advocacy and monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning staff in all the above programmes/Save the Children Member Organisations; and
- Designated departments/groups within Save the Children (Global Themes, Humanitarian Strategy Group, Europe and Mediterranean Advocacy Group, Humanitarian Advocacy Group, and the advocacy offices in Geneva, Brussels and New York).
The Toolkit is Structured into the following Chapters:
- Chapter 1: Introducing solutions
- 2: Assessing solutions
- Chapter 3: Advocating for solutions
- Chapter 4: Programming for solutions