This toolkit supports the U.S. Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence Globally. It provides guidance and resources for USAID technical and program officers to integrate gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response into energy and infrastructure projects as required by Automated Directives System (ADS).
This toolkit assists USAID technical and program teams to identify how GBV impacts:
- Overall project outcomes defined in the project logical framework
- Key gender gaps that could be addressed through the project
- Any potential differential effects (including unintended or negative consequences) on women, men, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) persons, and other marginalized and vulnerable groups.
The Toolkit provides:
- The United States government definition of GBV
- Explanation for why GBV matters to energy and infrastructure projects, key best practices, and how to work with stakeholders
- Operational guidance for why and how to integrate GBV prevention and response in six subsectors of USAID’s energy and infrastructure portfolio: energy, transportation, building, water, sanitation and hygiene, urban development, and construction
- USAID’s approach to measuring GBV in the energy and infrastructure sectors, reporting guidance, assessing and learning, and resources for GBV monitoring and evaluation
There are five Parts of the toolkit
- Introduction (what is GBV and programming for GBV prevention and response)
- How GBV relates to energy and infrastructure
- How to integrate GBV prevention and response into energy and infrastructure projects
- Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
- Conclusion and Resources (Illustrative Gender Analysis Questions for Project Design, , Safety Audit Tool, Community Mapping Tool, Reference Documents, Glossary of Technical Terms, Reference List of USAID-Department of State GBV Strategy Foreign Assistance Indicators, Summary of USAID’s GBV Work in the Energy and Infrastructure Sector, Illustrative GBV Integration Strategies and Indicators for Energy and Infrastructure Projects by Subsector, and References.)